Hernán Porras M. @hernanporrasm (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook)
Our CEO is a specialist in business creation.He has over 20 years experience managing successful businesses. He has handled over 300 clients throughout his career. He is an anthropologist and an MBA. He has extensive experience in journalism and advertising.
Founder of media monitoring VENMEDIOS, the most important company of tracking news of Venezuela (www.venmedios.com). Venmedios has over 19 years of founded currently has more than 200 national and international clients who are constantly receiving strategic information about their competition and media environment. He is also director of online communication media EntornoInteligente (www.entornointeligente.com) currently has more than 100,000 visitors daily. He has developed projects, companies, leveraged in process automation services. He has led trade policies and successful campaigns. He has been an advisor to speech and image consultant. He has created managements of Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Operations, Web 2.0, Systems, Human Resources, Monitoring Television, Digital Clipping, Environment Analysis and Management. Discourse analysis performed. Construction of political speeches. Scenarios management. Management of corporate, economic and political crisis. Marketing and new product development. Electoral monitoring. Political Marketing. Management, conceptualization and programming Software Digital Clipping. Management Concept and programming Radar means for constant monitoring of the National Public Agenda Software. Senior communications consultancy. Creation and conceptualization of software for monitoring sports sponsorships and product placement. Creating Venmedios Colombia, Venmedios Spain, WEB24. News site EntornoInteligente.com. International partnerships with groups Monitoring Spain, Argentina and Portugal. Creating software customization services Clipping Digital Synthesis Press. Management and systems management Publicity (Equivalent Investment in Advertising Unpaid) Monitoring of Television and Radio. Situational alerting and online rooms.
He created WEB24 IT SERVICES LLC in the United States of América.